Friday, March 13, 2015

Self-care #1

Spring in in the air!

Blog entry number one . . . . .

I've missed writing; my career took off and retrospectively, I can see where I'd placed self-care in the backseat; the effects of which, have gotten my attention. Self-care is imperative; it is my position that for those of us in recovery, self-care has to take place on a regular basis or the proverbial time bomb will begin ticking. Imagery for this season is personal. While in my first treatment center, it was explained to me as "the monkey on your back." Then in the rooms I began hearing about this little devil resting on our shoulder.
Then there's that famous AA talk (held at one of the National gatherings) where imagery was explained as a chain around our ankle with a heavy steel ball attached. I've settled into my own version of what this ticking time bomb looks like. And for me, I've given my addiction a voice, a nemesis you might say, much like the one discussed in the 80's

Its out there, mysterious and insanely cunning, circling around my personal space; always trying to penetrate my thoughts. And I've grown to respect this thing. I've learned where I can go comfortably and where I should avoid, which persons to maintain estrangement, that feelings are not facts and I'm actually in control of them,and what happens when I isolate and lack self-care.

And while it is empowering to have gained knowledge and self-awareness over the years, it does not mean I may loosen my guard or ever think the nemesis will randomly drift off into the horizon one day. No, its here to stay and its my job to maintain regular vigilance.

In my next post, I'm going to write about self-care and possibly introduce some new and creative ways for us to prioritize this aspect of healthy recovery.

But for now, I'm just excited about being back and ready to get my blog on!!!

Our answers are in the mirror,